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We currently have around 35 members, including the Board, but we always welcome more!


Volunteering at the Festivals by members is always welcome but not essential. You won't need to be involved in any of the organisation.


Applications for membership are welcome from anyone over 18 who is willing to attend a meeting in Alcester twice a year, pay £1 and fill in a short form.


Please contact us and ask for an application form.

All we need from you is your love of Alcester, food and the Festival!


  • You won't need be involved with any of the organisation and you don't even have to volunteer at the Festivals (unless you want to help us out!).


  • As a member, all you need to do is attend 2 meetings a year to give your insight and feedback to the Board and conduct the business of the organisation including approving donations made out of the funds generated by the Festivals.​


  • Alcester and Forest of Arden Food Festival Limited is a Community Benefit Society limited by shares of its Membership which is a legal structure very similar to a limited company. It enables anyone with an interest in the events it runs to be involved in the strategic direction and management of a group with a specific objective to benefit the community without any risk of liability.​​


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